Problem Structures
If you are stuck with a particular structure and would like some expert advice, we can help. We will provide a free asessment of the problem, advise how to proceed and provide a quote if you would like us to finish the job.
Pre-publication Check
Your structure is finished and you are ready to submit it for publication. Would you like us to perform a pre-publication asessment of your structure? If we advise to proceed, we will deal with any issues a referee may have later!
Refree Response
If you submitted a structure for publication and need to provide a response to a referee, we can help! If possible, we will provide a response that you can use or advise alternative steps if this should be required.
Personal Training
We are available to provide personal, 1:1 training concerning most aspects of small-molecule structure determination. Within our team, we can draw on a large pool of practical experience.
Small-Group Training
We provide regular small-group seminars, each with a particular focus on some specific area of small-molecule structure determination. The maximum number of participants is 6 persons, ensuring that nobody gets left behind.
General Courses
We also provide live lecture style events, covering more general topics around structure determination for interested chemists and beginning crystallographers.