Adds a bond to the connectivity list
Adds a bond to the connectivity list
Changes atom drawing style for all/selected atoms
Refinement constraints
Apply Radii to all/selected atoms
Changes the radii of all/given atoms
Adjusts the bond radii in the display
Calculates Fourier map for current model.
Calculates Voids and Channels.
Chiral volume restraint
Move atoms and fragments together
Maximum number of bonds
Generic macro to generate constraints
Pairwise distance restraint
Remove a particular bond
Rigid-bond APD restraint
Distance restraint
Prints the current view direction
Equal ADP constraint
Brings up an edit window where the atom properties can be edited in ShelX format
Change properties of a graphical material
Print the environment of a selected atom
Constrain atoms to the same site
Saves the current model to varios file formats
Fix occupancy, xzy or Uiso
Hydrogen atom names follow the parent atom
Restrain all selected atoms to lie in a plane
Free occupancy, xyz or Uiso
Link parameters through a free variable
Change the colour of the gradient background
Grow atoms with various options
Append reflections to the hkl file
Opens dialogue listing ‘bad reflections’
Reversibly exclude some named reflections
Prints detailed information about reflections
Show reflections in a reciprocal space view
Search for hydrogen bonds and add them to the CIF
Import a molecular fragment, with various options!
Restrain the ADP towards being isotropic
Delete atoms, bonds or labels
Add labels to atoms or bonds
Load a previously saved item.
List all symmetry operations for the current structure
A whole lot of tools for matching and overlaying things
Orient the structure along cell axes
A lot of things can happen when Olex2 is in a mode
Fitting and splitting of fragments
Fixes Uiso or ADP for subsequently clicked atoms
Fixes the coordinates for subsequently clicked atoms
Display directions where the molecule can grow… and then do a lot with that!
Naming mode. Powerful stuff!
Sets the occupancy for subsequently clicked atoms
Display the position of symmetry equivalent asymmetric units as tetrahedra
Set to which PART the selected atoms will belong
Split or move atoms.
Calculate molecular volumes and surface area for selected atoms
Find the best plane through the current selection
Displays the Mean Square Displacement options.
A bucket full of naming options
A portable version for making pictures
Delete the specified overlayed file
Select the active file when overlay is on
Omit reflections from the refinement. Either ranges, or explicitly named reflections.
Pack the structure, with many different options
Generate a bitmap image of the current structure
Creates a POVRAY file of the current view
Make PostScript “ORTEP” style pictures
Generate a stereo picture
Helps with images where there are Metal-pi bonds
Analysis for pi-pi interactions
A list of the most commonly used Olex2 commands
Generic macro for restraint generation
Rotate the molecule by a precice amount
Find and restrain rings
Apply the ‘same distance’ restraint
Set up a “same” system of restraints
Save things in Olex2 – various things!
Extends the normal of one plane to touch another plane
The most overloaded command in Olex2! You need to know about this…
Olex2 selection syntax concerning atoms
Olex2 selection syntax concerning bonds
Restrain a set of two bonds to be triangular with the provided parameters
Set the font used for various objects
Generate symmetry equivalent atoms
Space Group Settings
Show only the named parts
Apply a “similar ADP” restraint
Sort the atom order in listings
Split the selected atoms into to parts
Adding up occupancies to a fixed value
Generate a shared, rotated ADP constraint
Get and Set the value of the current zoom level