- Modelling Disorder: How to model disorder in Olex2
- Restraints and Constraints: Restraints and Constraints
- PARTs and Occupancy: The PART concept in crystallographic refinement explained
- afix: Refinement constraints
- importfrag: Import a molecular fragment, with various options!
- isor: Restrain the ADP towards being isotropic
- mode fit: Fitting and splitting of fragments
- mode fix u: Fixes Uiso or ADP for subsequently clicked atoms
- mode pack: Set to which PART the selected atoms will belong
- mode split: Split or move atoms.
- restrain: Generic macro for restraint generation
- rrings: Find and restrain rings
- sadi: Apply the 'same distance' restraint
- same: Set up a "same" system of restraints
- sel bonds: Restrain a set of two bonds to be triangular with the provided parameters
- showp: Show only the named parts
- simu: Apply a "similar ADP" restraint
- split: Split the selected atoms into to parts
- sump: Adding up occupancies to a fixed value
- xf.rn.ShareADP1: Generate a shared, rotated ADP constraint